Mengenal Hyperhidrosis: Jenis, Faktor Penyebab, Cara Mengatasi dan Alternatif Pengobatan

Hyperhidrosis adalah kondisi medis yang ditandai dengan produksi keringat yang berlebihan. Ini biasanya terjadi di tangan, kaki, ketiak, dan wajah. Kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan masalah sosial dan psikologis, serta membuat seseorang merasa tidak nyaman dan malu. Ada dua jenis hyperhidrosis, yaitu primer dan sekunder. Hyperhidrosis primer adalah kondisi di mana seseorang mengalami produksi keringat yang berlebihan tanpa penyebab jelas. Ini biasanya terjadi pada area-area tubuh seperti tangan, kaki, dan ketiak, dan dapat menyebabkan masalah sosial dan psikologis yang serius. Hyperhidrosis sekunder adalah kondisi di mana produksi keringat yang berlebihan disebabkan oleh faktor medis atau kondisi lain, seperti obesitas, menopause, gangguan tiroid, atau efek samping dari obat-obatan tertentu. Kondisi ini dapat diatasi dengan mengatasi penyebab utamanya. Beberapa cara untuk mengatasi Hyperhidrosis diantaranya dengan mengubah gaya hidup, perawatan kulit, terapi iontoporesi, Botox, dan operasi...

You Are Not Alone

I knew I had a problem, now I know it has a name - Hyperhidrosis

Millions of people throughout the world face an isolating, embarrassing, and damaging struggle every day from excessive sweating. Sweaty palms, sweaty feet, sweat soaked armpits and dripping foreheads--hyperhidrosis takes a heavy toll on a person's life.

Excessive sweating is a daily debilitating struggle that negatively affects everything from careers and education, to relationships and having fun.

If you suffer from extremely sweaty underarms, hands, or feet, or from an excessively sweaty brow, you may think that no one understands. You may think that you’re alone. You’re not. Millions of people around the world suffer the effects of hyperhidrosis every day - just like you do.

Definition of Hyperhidrosis

In some people, the body’ s mechanism for cooling itself is overactive — so overactive that they may sweat four or five times more than is necessary, or normal. When sweating is this extreme it can be embarrassing, uncomfortable, anxiety-inducing, and disabling. It can disrupt all aspects of a person’ s life, from career choices and recreational activities to relationships, emotional well-being, and self-image.

This kind of excessive sweating is a serious medical condition. It’ s called hyperhidrosis and it afflicts millions of people around the world (approximately 3% of the population) but because of lack of awareness, more than half of these people are never diagnosed or treated for their symptoms.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

The International Hyperhidrosis Society is dedicated to improving understanding of this debilitating condition and helping sufferers get relief. If you or someone you care about suffers from hyperhidrosis, you should know that treatments are available. We’ve got information to help you understand hyperhidrosis and we can help you find the support and treatment you need to live the life you deserve.

If you suffer from excessive sweating, you may feel like you’ve tried everything. You may have lost hope. Even if you feel this way, please take some time to read through the information on these pages about all the current treatments available for treating hyperhidrosis. We think the things you learn will ignite your optimism.

Some traditional treatments, like antiperspirants and iontophoresis, have been improved and we now know how to make them more effective. New treatments, like Botox injections, have started giving relief to those who never thought they’d find it. Physicians and their patients are also experimenting with combinations of treatments and getting good results.

Due to side effects, oral medications are not recommended as a long-term solution. Similarly, surgical options, although heavily advertised, are reserved for only certain severe cases of hyperhidrosis that have not responded to any of the other treatment options. Before considering surgical treatment, physicians and their patients must fully consider and discuss the very real risks of permanent damage and severe side effects.

For an at-a-glance overview of current hyperhidrosis treatments and the parts of the body they may be used to treat, use the chart below.

Everyone’s experience with this condition is different. So please be patient, explore all your options, explore combinations of your options, and work with your doctor to find the best treatments for your individual situation. Keep in mind, also, that research is still being conducted and new treatments, and new ways of using the current treatments, are being worked on. Subscribe to our e-newsletter, SweatSolutions, and you’ll be among the first to know about the latest developments.



dancilhoney mengatakan…
Great tips... please include to your list Stop Sweating Start Living this would be the best option to anyone suffering from Hyperhidrosis.

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